Deep State Figures Struggle To Conceal Frustration By Skipping Trump’s Inaugural Events

The divide in Washington is growing more obvious as key Deep State figures make little effort to respect the peaceful transfer of power. Former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will attend President Donald Trump’s swearing-in but are refusing to participate in the traditional inaugural luncheon. This long-standing event, which dates back to 1897, has been a symbol of unity between incoming presidents and their predecessors. Their absence reflects a clear unwillingness to set aside personal grudges for the good of the nation.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will not attend the inauguration at all. Although she is recovering from hip surgery, Pelosi has appeared at other ceremonial events, revealing that her absence is likely a political statement. Pelosi’s disdain for Trump is no secret, given her leadership in both impeachment efforts and her public tearing of his State of the Union address in 2020.

Former first lady Michelle Obama is also skipping the ceremony, despite former President Barack Obama confirming his attendance. Michelle Obama’s absence follows her decision not to attend former President Jimmy Carter’s funeral, further underscoring her apparent disregard for bipartisan traditions.

The decision by Bush, Obama and Clinton to attend the swearing-in but avoid the luncheon showcases their unwillingness to engage in even basic displays of respect for Trump’s presidency. This stands in stark contrast to 2017 when these same figures attended both the inauguration and the luncheon.

These political elites seem more focused on their own legacies than honoring American traditions. Their behavior underscores how deeply the Washington establishment resents Trump’s disruption of their power.

The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has hosted the inaugural luncheon since President William McKinley’s inauguration in 1897.

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