In a devastating attack, Russian missiles struck a military training facility and a nearby hospital in Poltava, Ukraine, resulting in 51 deaths and over 200 injuries. The strike occurred with little warning, leaving many unable to seek shelter in time.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed the details of the attack, noting the significant loss of life and the extensive injuries suffered by many. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry described the day as “terrible” for Poltava, pointing out the destruction of an educational institution in the area.
The speed and severity of the attack caught many by surprise, resulting in a chaotic scene with bodies and injured individuals scattered in the rubble. Rescue teams have been working around the clock, managing to save 11 people trapped under debris. The fire caused by the strike has since been contained.
President Zelenskyy has ordered a full investigation into the attack, with a focus on bringing those responsible to justice. The attack comes as Ukraine prepares for the start of a new school year, a sobering reminder of the constant threat posed by the ongoing Russian invasion.
This incident highlights the relentless nature of the conflict, with civilians and military personnel alike facing the brunt of the violence.