Freeland’s Childish Attack Masks Government’s Drug Policy Failures

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland’s retort to Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre during Tuesday’s Question Period diverted attention from the pressing issue of drug policy, highlighting the Trudeau government’s missteps in addressing Canada’s drug crisis.

Poilievre’s inquiry about the government’s stance on hard drugs prompted Freeland’s quip about his makeup, a comment quickly rebuked by the House of Commons Speaker for its lack of decorum.

The Conservative leader stated that Canada’s radical leftist government “thinks that you pay down debt by borrowing more, but you stop inflation by printing money and that you fight the drug overdose crisis by legalizing hard drugs. So at least they’re consistent in their irrationality.”

“Mr. Speaker, but now they’ve been forced to backtrack right before the election on their legalization of hard drugs because Canadians are revolting against the policy,” Poilievere added.

“Today we have a motion that will be voted in the House [of Commons] to permanently ban hard drugs,” he continued. “Will this government vote for that motion? Or will they admit that they plan to vote to legalize drugs again after the next election?”

Freeland then childishly retorted: “Mr. Speaker, the Conservative leader is wearing more makeup than I am.”

However, the real issue at hand is the recent failure of the decriminalization experiment in British Columbia. Premier David Eby’s decision to end the program reflects the dire situation in the province, with over 14,000 deaths from toxic drugs since the public health emergency was declared.

While advocates argue for a “safer supply” approach, concerns about the consequences of decriminalization persist. Toronto’s plea for broad decriminalization, including for youth, has faced staunch opposition, with critics warning of potential chaos.

The Trudeau government’s handling of the drug crisis has come under renewed scrutiny, particularly in light of recent events. Freeland’s diversionary tactic underscores the need for a more substantive approach to drug policy, one grounded in evidence and focused on saving lives.

As Canadians prepare for the upcoming election, they will be looking for leaders who prioritize solutions over personal attacks, and who are willing to confront the realities of the drug crisis head-on.

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